3 Questions to Ask a Window Installation Contractor in Marathon, FL

Hiring the wrong window replacement contractor can be a disaster. Even small mistakes during window installation can have costly and long-lasting consequences. Therefore, it is important to do thorough research before selecting a contractor to install your windows. Below, we will discuss some questions you should ask a prospective window installation contractor in Marathon, FL.

1. Does the Contractor Install Certain Window Types?

Some contractors only install certain types of windows, such as impact single-hung windows or impact horizontal roller windows. Other installers specialize in modern homes, while others focus on historic homes.

Before you allow the contractor to install your windows, paint a clear picture of what they should expect. If they don’t have previous experience doing similar jobs, it is not wise to engage them. This is because there is a high probability that they will make errors.

2. Do They Have Reviews from Previous Clients?

It’s important to seek a third-party opinion of the company. Previous clients will tell you about what they liked about the contractors and what they didn’t. You can also look up reviews online to find out what different people feel about the services the company offers.

Consult several clients or reviews rather than only one to ensure you get unbiased reviews. Avoid contractors that are not ready to link you with previous clients. Most likely, the clients did not have a pleasant experience when working with the company.

3. Can They Provide a Bid?

A good bid shows a breakdown of all the costs associated with the installation. Ensure you get offers from several contractors to allow you to compare the installation costs and select the most favorable bid.

Check what each contractor covers in the installation package. For instance, some contractors include exterior and interior trim and finishes in the installation package, while others add additional charges to these services. Others don’t even provide these services.

Having as much information as possible about the prospective contractor helps to avoid disappointments. If you are in the market for new windows, contact All About Doors & Windows for professional impact window installation services.

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